Se ha explorado 62 estudiantes universitarios en la comprensión de tres tipos de texto: narrativos, argumentativos y expositivos. Se utilizó un instrumento que aplica la técnica de neologismos para medir el rendimiento diferencial en los tres tipos de superestructura textual. Se halló que el tipo de texto que presenta mayor dificultad es el expositivo, siguiéndole el argumentativo y el narrativo. Se da una explicación evolutiva a este resultado. Además se ha encontrado que factores muestrales como género, edad, tipo de estudio, rendimientos tanto escolares como de ingreso a la universidad, y el nivel educativo de los padres no presentan diferencias significativas entre sí. Finalmente, la técnica de neologismos probada presenta un buen nivel de confiabilidad y validez.
Sixty two university students were examined in terms of their comprehension of three types of texts: narrative, argumentative and expositive. An instrument which applied a neologism technique was used to measure the differential performance in the three types of textual superstructure. It was found that the expositive text was the one that posed greater difficulties, followed the argumentative and the narrative. A developmental explanation is given for these results. Furthermore, it was found that sample variables such as gender, age, area of studies, achievement both in school and in the university entry exam, and educational level of parents, did not produce significant differences in the results. Finally, the neologism technique applied had a good level of confidence and validity.